Skylar Ellen
2nd Degree Black Belt, Jr. Assistant Instructor
Skylar comes to us with a long lineage of Martial Artists in her Family. She walks in the foots steps of her father and his father before him. Her Uncle and multiple cousins are also Martial Artists. Growing up, granted she is 11 now, she tried multiple sports and activities, but none of them seemed to keep her interest.
At the age of six, her mom and dad took her to her first Martial Arts lesson and she was hooked! Over the last 5 1/2 years she has earned the rank of 2nd Degree Black Belt and is in the Jr. Assistant Instructor program where she assists Mr. Ellen with the Warrior, Gladiator, and Spartan Classes. She is a talented, self-assured, respectful, and kind young lady, as well as a fierce competitor, that loves to lead classes. The younger kids look up to her as a senior student and she is respected by all. We all look forward to watch as she grows and matures in the Martial Arts and in Life.