Master Buddy Hudson
9th Degree Black Belt Taekwondo
9th Degree Black Belt American Karate
Founder of Professional Black Belt Association
Master Hudson is a Internationally Certified 9th Degree Black Belt Instructor. He is certified in both American Karate and Taekwondo with over 30 years teaching experience. He has been recognized in the “Who's Who of Martial Artist” and serves as the President of the Professional Black Belt Association teaching and certifying instructors around the country.He is a 7 time national fighting champion, World Games Silver Medalist, Inductee to the International Karate and Masters Hall of Fame and a former Olympic National Finalist.Master Hudson received his training from some of the Highest ranking Grand Masters in the world, including the Founder of International Taekwondo General, Choi Hong Hi. , the Father ofAmerican Karate, Grand Master J. Pat Burleson and the Father of American Taekwondo, Grand Master Jhoon Rhee. Master Hudson resides in Prosper, Texas with his wife Pamela Hudson and works with their family of local academies within the community.